IMPACT Kicks-off Entrepreneur Jumpstart!

At IMPACT we believe small-business-creation boosts economic power. IMPACT’s Entrepreneur Jumpstart continued last Tuesday night with a session on how to choose your business legal structure and basic accounting and taxes. Guest presenters were lawyer and notary Carlos Iglesias (a former IMPACT staff member!) and tax professional Kelly Ventura of Empire Professional Services, LLC.

Students have been meeting twice weekly for the past six weeks—learning the basics of starting and sustaining a small business, including basic business computer skills. IMPACT Network Builders Carmen Hernandez and Valerie Salazar have been the primary course instructors with the occasional guest. The curriculum is based on materials that Carmen used in earlier work with communities in El Salvador. The guide called “Practical Guide for the Preparation of a Business Plan” was developed as part of a United Nations effort to support entrepreneurs in Latin America and was developed by universities in South and Central America. Classes wrap up later this month with a graduation ceremony on September 30. Many thanks to the Mid-County Regional Center for providing meeting space!

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