★Community Builders at Spring Parc: a group of tenants and their supporters at Spring Parc apartments in Silver Spring who are working to improve conditions at their complex and build relationships among tenants.
★Luz Chavez Gonzalez: a community organizer empowering undocumented youth in Montgomery County. ★Montgomery Community Investment Cooperative: an immigrant-led cooperative providing the capital and support needed to create and grow small businesses in Montgomery County. ★Park Montgomery Residents Council Executive Committee: grassroots organizers of a newly launched tenants association in Long Branch. ★Dr. Tasnuva Khan: founder of Faith Alliance for Community Equity & Sustainability (FACES). Most recently, she led the “Building Blocks for Healthy Communities” project, an initiative providing health education resources, access to nutritious food, and physical opportunities to help reduce health disparities in BIPOC communities. ★Víctor Henriquez: an extraordinary volunteer supporting community gardening and youth sports in Wheaton. |